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Aqil Personal Financial Management Tool

Our Personal Financial Management provides you with a clear and organized view of your financial landscape. Set budgets, track your expenses and monitor your progress towards your goals, all within a single platform.

Get insights that enable smarter financial decisions and pave the way for a financially secured future.

Insights Made Simple

Understanding your spending habits has never been easier. Our intuitive expense tracker dashboard paints a clear picture of your financial patterns by neatly organizing your transactions into meaningful categories.

Intuitive Overview

Discover a simplified way to track your finances with our intuitive spending overview. We've categorized your expenses to give you a view of where your money goes.

Custom Tags

Ever wondered where that morning cup of coffee fits in - lifestyle treat or groceries? The choice is yours! Introducing custom tags, your solution to categorizing expenses based on your perspective. Want to label it as "Self-Care"? Go ahead!

Brands and Merchants

Visualize where and how often you're shopping at different brands and merchants over time. Get a clear picture of your expenses and make smarter decisions about your finances.